I'd love for you to take a
seat and stay awhile. Keep
alady is my
ont size=+1
h May
t size=+1
color="#ffffff">I'm 44
years old, from Kentucky,
>One of my favorite places
in the world SanFrancisco,
Ca. Louisville, Ky is my
birthplace. There are 7 of
us, 4 girls and 3 boys. I a
next to the oldest. I am
5'4 African American
female, love to cook and
collect teddybears and
cookbooks. For fun, I
love hanging out with
family and friends,
traveling, bowling,
shooting pool, watching
sports, uumm...I'm sure I'm
leaving something out.
Right now I'm trying to
collect all the Disney
As a small child I used to
spend hours moving my fingers
on the end of the sofa
pretending it was a piano,
thought that would give my
mom the hint, that I'd like
to learn how to play, but it
did'nt work. After high
school I joined the military.
Why? Well back then there
just was'nt a whole lot of
choices like there are now.
If I can remember, but I
think most of the fast food
workers were housewives and
retired people not many kids
were in the work force like
there is now. Plus, you
either went to college or you
did stuff like babysit or
whatever. I took 2 years of
dressmaking as a trade but
even after trade school
nobody hired you cause you
had no experience. Well this
all lead to me joining the
service. A neighbor of mine
well 2 neighbors both were
brothers. One joined and the
other was drafted. I talked
to them a little, trying to
get a picture of what
military life was like, but I
sure did love the uniforms.
@@:-) I must admit, it was no
cup of tea, but I won't trade
the experience for nothing in
this world.In the
meantime why not check out
the link below to get your
own 20MB of free
Me, Myself and my Inner Thoughts
My interests:- African
Culture - Art and
Artists - Black
Culture - Books/Magazines
- Cart
Books - Comedy
- Dance/Theatre
- Food/Drink
- Health/
Fitness - Movies/TV
- Music:
Blues - Music: Classical and
Opera - Music: Dance
Music - Music: Jazz,
Experimental - Music: Latin,
Reggae, World - Music: R and B,
Soul - News/Current
Events - Religion
- School/Colle
ge - Shopping
- Socialising
- S
ports: American Football
Yes I love to "enjoy" many
things, but not saying that I've
done them nor seen them. My
travels have not been all the
much, just the few places I've
been while in teh military and
visiting friends and relatives
while on vacation is the extent of
my seeing the world. I love
talking and meeting new people.
My mom was saying not long ago,
how she loves how I just "jump"
right on in there, talking to
people. I like knowing about
people and what they do for a
living. Not to be nosey about
their lifestyle or what have you,
but just to see how they live
life. Plus I just like hearing
what all else is out there in the
world. Our paths cannot all lead
down the same tunnel, so I guess
I'm just curious how the world
spends for others. Jazz dance has
always been a true love of mine
but I believe it Fame and
Flashdance that made me decide to
take lessons. I loved it so well,
I remember while in college, for
one full semester all I took were
dance classes. lol I
don't like being around mean and
evil people, basically I'm a quiet
person. Been that way all my
life. I can still remember seeing
on my report card "timid and
shy"...SPEAK UP, the teachers
would all ask. And it was'nt
all that long ago, that my mom
would still say that. Some things
I guess you never out grow. I
never took much to drinking and
did'nt pick up smoking at all. A
lady just asked me the other day,
"How did you avoid it"? Well, the
first cig was torture to my
throat..just could'nt get the hang
of it. As for drinking...well I
got drunk in the field once
(military for overnight stay in
the boonies), wow!, what an ex
Favourite links
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